Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia)

Indonesia's best ideal family car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia) is a versatile vehicle that promises and implements safety and comfort for rider and passenger.

Indonesia Toyota has proven that Toyota's technological advantage that combines the perfection of the performance of the engine and passenger car engineering make their production vehicles as the best ideal family car Indonesia.
Ideal Concept Cars From Toyota

Toyota is understood that a car is called the ideal car if when you sit inside the vehicle, you immediately know that your desire has been achieved. Ideal car wrapped by the latest technologies that offer ease of driving, ranging from a gentle touch to the interior which is made from high quality materials, to ensure your comfort everyday driving.

As a market leader in the world of automotive industry, Toyota has and continues to develop the concept of the ideal car to be able to occupy a position as one of the best car manufacturers to design innovative and sophisticated engine design that is very responsive thanks to the use of technology that combines a machine that produces energy output machine optimized through the use of fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Toyota is very caring and attentive to all things, including an integrated security system that makes motorists remain safe and comfortable ride even in unfavorable driving conditions though.

Kijang Innova: Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car

In Indonesia, Toyota presents the best ideal family car Kijang Innova in Indonesia through its latest figures, with a face more attractive, more reliable with safe driving through the exclusive Dual SRS airbags, Side Impact Beam and ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) .*

Kijang Innova comes to use the latest generation engine results from Toyota's technology development that proved tough, stubborn, highly durable and easy to maintain. Steady acceleration, no noise, provide excellent control. It uses double wishbone front suspension with coil springs and stabilizer, which produces a light and nimble vehicle maneuver. A 4-link rear suspension with coil springs and lateral rod is flexible and sturdy. Ventilated disc brakes at the front wheel to make braking more stable and more secure.

Kijang Innova increased comfort perfect with a trendy stylingnya and aerodynamics. The interior was luxurious, spacious and airy. Well built body with a precision sheet metal. Standard equipment was a special-looking, comfortable and pleasant, Kijang Innova makes perfect as passenger vehicles and strengthen as the best Indonesian ideal family car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia).

* For Specific models
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Toyota - the Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car

For the purposes of mobility, each family must have longed for a car as the ideal means of transportation. Ideal assessment whether a car is relative depending on the needs of each family. Toyota as one of the world's largest car maker, has become one of the Best providers of Ideal Indonesian Family Car can rely on today.

Not because of the name that makes the Toyota as the Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car, but because they are able to answer that challenge. One example of Toyota's products are ideal as a family car as recommended by Parents Magazine and AAA (American Automobile Association) is the Kijang Innova.

In general, a family car called ideal if it meets the following criteria:

1. Enough capacity to accommodate all family members.

2. Competitive prices, including the option to make purchases on credit.

3. Flexible usage can be used for office purposes, family recreation, shopping, etc..

4. Packed with features - features that support Comfort and Safety drive

5. Fuel efficient

6. Using environmentally friendly emission technology

7. The existence of services for the purpose of maintenance and repair as indicated by the existence of the formal workshop.

The seven above criteria was the one who makes Toyota the Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia) . To find out more info about Ideal Family Car Best of Indonesia, can be read on the site

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Sanata Dharma 2010 / 2011

Program S1 dan Diploma Tahun Akademik 2010/2011




1. Saat ini duduk di kelas 12 SMA/SMK
2. Nilai rata-rata kognitif dalam Rapor Kelas 11 Semester I dan II minimal 6.7 (syarat pendaftaran, bukan syarat langsung diterima
3. Pendaftar Program Studi Farmasi berasal dari SMA Jurusan IPA/SMF
4. Pendaftar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan Sastra Inggris harus memiliki nilai mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada rapor kelas 11 semester 1 dan 2 minimal 7

Pendaftaran di Sekolah

1. Membeli Formulir Pendaftaran di SMA-SMA yang bekerja sama dengan USD seharga Rp 100.000
2. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran
3. Menyerahkan Formulir Pendaftaran dan fotokopi Rapor Kelas 11 Semester I dan II yang telah dilegalisir oleh sekolah ke sekolah, lalu sekolah menyerahkannya atau mengirimkannya via pos secara kolektif dengan dilampiri bukti setor/transfer asli ke Biro Administrasi Akademik (BAA) Universitas Sanata Dharma d/a Jl. Affandi Mrican, Tromol Pos 29 Yogyakarta 55002

Pendaftaran di USD

1. Membeli Formulir Pendaftaran di Bank CIMB NIAGA atau Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Universitas Sanata Dharma Jl. Affandi Mrican Yogyakarta seharga Rp 100.000 (untuk hari Senin – Jumat) atau di kantor BAA Kampus Mrican (untuk hari Sabtu)
2. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran
3. Menyerahkan Formulir Pendaftaran dan fotokopi Rapor Kelas 11 Semester I dan II yang telah dilegalisir oleh sekolah ke Biro Administrasi Akademik (BAA) Universitas Sanata Dharma Jl. Affandi Mrican Yogyakarta

Pendaftaran di Internet

1. Men- download dan mencetak Formulir Pendaftaran Jalur Prestasi dari website USD
2. Menyetor/mentransfer uang pendaftaran Rp 100.000 atas nama Universitas Sanata Dharma ke Bank CIMB NIAGA dengan No. Rek. 287-01-00272.00.5 atau ke Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) dengan No. Rek. 1383.01.000001.30.0 dengan berita Nama Pendaftar, Jalur Prestasi, dan Tiga Program Studi yang dipilih
3. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran
4. Menyerahkan/mengirim via pos Formulir Pendaftaran, fotokopi Rapor Kelas 11 Semester I dan II yang telah dilegalisir oleh sekolah, dan bukti setor/transfer asli pembelian Formulir Pendaftaran dari Bank CIMB NIAGA atau BRI ke Biro Administrasi Akademik (BAA) Universitas Sanata Dharma d/a Jl. Affandi Mrican, Tromol Pos 29 Yogyakarta 55002

Calon mahasiswa yang diterima di Jalur Prestasi akan mendapatkan keringanan biaya berupa potongan 15% Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan (DPP)

WAKTU PENDAFTARAN , Biaya Kuliah dan Jalur Penerimaan lainnya
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Program Studi Farmasi Universitas Sanata Dharma


Jenjang Pendidikan:
S1 dengan gelar S.Farm (Sarjana Farmasi) ditempuh dalam waktu 8 Semester
Kurikulum yang dikembangkan bersifat “Patient Oriented”

Tujuan Pendidikan:
Menghasilkan Sarjana Farmasi dan Apoteker yang mempunyai kemandirian, kreativitas, dan kemampuan inovatif dalam ilmu kefarmasian, memiliki ketrampilan di bidang pelayanan kefarmasian, serta memiliki tekad untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat.

Kompetensi Lulusan:
1. mengenali, mengembangkan, melakukan pendekatan dan memecahkan masalah kefarmasian
2. mengadakan, mengembangkan, menyediakan, dan mengendalikan mutu sediaan farmasi serta memahami manfaat dan resiko farmasi
3. melakukan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif zat aktif dalam sediaan farmasi
4. memahami cara pemberian obat, nasib obat di dalam badan, dan derajat kasiat yang ditimbulkan
5. melakukan penemuan dan pengembangan sediaan farmasi

Prospek Lulusan:
Sarjana Farmasi dapat bekerja di bidang/lembaga pelayanan kefarmasian yang ruang lingkupnya meliputi:

1. Administrasi dan Manajemen Obat (penyiapan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian kebijaksanaan obat nasional di lingkungan Departemen Kesehatan)

2. Farmasi Masyarakat:
a. Apotek (penyiapan, pengawasan, pengendalian sediaan farmasi serta jasa konsultasi dan informasi obat kepada tenaga kesehatan lain, penderita, dan masyarakat)
b. Masyarakat (penyuluhan penggunaan obat yang rasional dan promosi kesehatan kepada masyarkat melalui kegiatan konsultasi, informasi, dan edukasi)

3. Farmasi Rumah Sakit (kegiatan yang dikeola oleh Instalasi Farmasi dan Komite Farmasi dan Terapi)

4. Industri Farmasi (penelitian dan pengembangan, pengadaan, produksi, pengendalian mutu, penyaluran, dan pemasaran obat/ produk obat)

5. Akademik (pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat di Perguruan Tinggi Farmasi dan Kedokteran, Akademi Farmasi, Balai Penelitian, dan Sekolah menengah Farmasi – SMF)
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